About Wild Teak Media
Harness the power of the web.
Elevate your business.
Our aim is to build a great relationship with you, so that together we can build great businesses.
At Wild Teak Media, we create functional beautiful websites and related media that really work to promote your business. Think of your website as a shopfront to your business - it should show the very best that your business has to offer and make it really easy for existing and prospective clients to engage your services.
Targeting small business owners and entrepreneurs, Wild Teak Media excels at getting to know you and understand what your business is about. Through that understanding we are able to create a website that is innovative and works for your business, whatever that might be. Of course it has to be good looking too - after all it may be the first impression new clients have of your business.
Current technology and social media is making it super exciting to promote businesses. Before we start, think about these questions:
- What are the real needs of your business - what is you ideal result?
- What do you want your website to achieve - what is the best you can envisage?
- Who are the actual clients you are targeting and what do they want from your website?

Deirdre Curle, owner of Wild Teak Media, has worked in the software business for over 30 years, and seen many technologies come and go: "I worked in the corporate banking for many years, and gained much experience in technologies and customer service. I now take delight in doing things really well - discovering what the client actually wants and needs for their business to take flight."